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He found it was way easier than he thought to slip into the role of a gambler, and I’m leaving ahead before anything else can happen. When he gambles with Dan at the end and wins the 1,500 or whatever and realizes how easy that was, he was looking around like for a catch or something ? I feel he is resolved at the end by just saying ok this is enough, I get it now. You can see his way of thinking about “why do people gamble?” change from the start, because he does get bitten a bit by the “money won, is twice as sweet as money earned”. He really tries to get in the shoes of the people he profiles. This is one of the reasons I enjoy him as well and have watched a lot of his stuff. He takes his money and gambles with them and later with Dan. To his credit he does the one thing most other people don’t do to get it. The whole thing makes no logical sense to him.

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I think at this point he is desperately and honestly trying to understand.

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Jamrobino – Like when Louis says to John after having lost his 10K profit and 12K “Are you having a wonderful time ?” LOL.

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